Student Evidence Record

Focus on Student Success with unique tools where and when you need them.

What is SER?

Student Evidence Record, or SER, is a website tool designed for teachers, by teachers, with the goal of simplifying the management of student outcomes in a course. Embracing the Ministry of Education’s Curriculum guidance and the use of Levels to evaluate student learning we present a unique perspective on “marks”. No longer will students be concerned with a percentage mark.

Teachers develop appropriate instructional strategies to help students achieve the curriculum expectations, as well as appropriate methods for assessing and evaluating student learning. Each of these becomes the evidence of the student learning. Every test and assignment handed in by a student is evidence that have understood, or ‘learned’ the curriculum expectations.

By using the features of the SER website you will be able to manage, collect, evaluate, and share this evidence of learning. You will be able to see how your assignments, tests, and other strategies all come together to ensure you have given your students ample opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and learning.

Students are able to log in to see how they are doing in a given course. With unique visualizations that indicate how often they are ‘exceeding’ or ‘meeting’ expectations. There is no longer a focus on the percentage mark but an opportunity to shift the focus onto the learning objectives and course curriculum. Students can show their parents the progress in a course at any time during the term, enabling early, consistent and transparent information exchange between Teacher, Student and Parent.

Key Feature that save you time

  • Student progress is available to them at any time.
  • Curriculum expectations are the focus for assignments and tests.
  • Entering Levels is focused only on the expectations that you have indicated are assessed.